Increase your profits and add more services to your business.
Each Inspection21 Module focuses on Home Inspection Report Writing
- Each Inspection21 Module and Field Training Inspector focuses on Building Your Business
- Entrepreneurs choose Inspection21 for this reason.
*Our Curriculums have always lead the way in New Jersey since 2004
The Course Materials used was designed for a 300 Hour Course.
It is the most Comprehensive Course Material for NJ Home Inspection Schools in New Jersey.
The latest 2019 NHIE Guides are the most up to date NJ Home Inspection Study Materials
and are used at Inspection21
These fine publishings are derived from the Essentials Series Dearborn Carson & Dunlap
*Inspection21 is the leader of Students passing
the National Home Inspectors Exam 2004-2025
Our combined Instructional materials and Instructional methods are proven.
Our Team of NJ Home Inspector Instructors have over 100 Years Experience combined
Inspection21 has been Approved, Verified, and Proven since 2004
The Authentic Leader in NJ Home Inspection Education and Training
***Don't be mislead by others claiming they have more to offer you
particularly with little or no experience to back it up.
There is Only ONE #1 in NJ
Inspection21 -
You Can Trust Our Leadership and Experience of 21 Years.
Building Systems
Interior & Insulation Inspection I-21-101-I
Focus is on the inspection of thermal insulation, Moisture Management techniques & Issues, vapor retardants and ventilation systems, as well as the interior elements of residential dwellings such as walls, ceilings, floors, basements, doors, windows, interior stairs/railings, installed counter-tops and cabinets, and garage doors/door operators. The module is enhanced with a focus on Excellence in Home Inspection Report Writing by a Licensed NJ Home Inspector.
Roofing Inspection I21-101-R
The emphasis in Roofing Inspection is on typical defects of the various types of roof coverings, Draining systems, flashings, skylights, chimneys, and other roof penetrations. Students apply their knowledge of roofing to Inspections that focus on system performance, safety concerns, and compliance with existing codes and standards. The module is enhanced with a focus on Excellence in Home Inspection Report Writing by a Licensed NJ Home Inspector.
Exterior Inspection I-21-101-Ex
Exterior Inspection covers retaining walls, grounds, window wells, lot grading, driveways, patios, walkways, decks, balconies, stoops and steps, porches, railings, wall cladding,flashing trim, eaves, soffits, fascia, as well as exterior doors and windows. Students learn to describe the exterior wall covering and inspect all aspects of the exterior named above. The module is enhanced with a focus on Excellence in Home Inspection Report Writing by a Licensed NJ Home Inspector.
Structural Inspection I-21-101-S
Structure Inspection focuses on the following structural components of a residential dwelling: Foundations, and footings, floors, walls and roof ceiling structures. Students learn to apply knowledge, of structures to inspections that focus on system performance,safety concerns, and compliance with good construction practices. The module is enhanced with a focus on Excellence in Home Inspection Report Writing by a Licensed NJ Home Inspector.
Mechanical Systems I
HVAC—Heating I Inspection I-21-101-hvac-H1
Heating Inspection I covers installed heating systems (Gas and Oil Furnaces, and Hot Water Boilers). Emphasis is on the Inspector’s ability to identify the source, material type, condition, and safety concerns, as well as to inspect the heating equipment. Parts of the Module are Instructed by a Professional Heating Contractor. The module is enhanced with a focus on Excellence in Home Inspection Report Writing by a Licensed NJ Home Inspector.
HVAC—Heating Inspection II I-21-101-hvac-H2
Heating Inspection II-covers vent systems, flues, and chimneys, as well as fireplaces,other wood heating appliances, steam and electric heating systems. Students apply knowledge of these systems to the role of the home inspector. Part of the Module is Instructed by a Professional Heating Contractor. The module is enhanced with a focus on Excellence in Home Inspection Report Writing by a Licensed NJ Home Inspector.
HVAC—Air Conditioning & Heat Pumps Inspection I21-101-hvac-AC
AC & Heat Pumps-Emphasis in Air Conditioning and Heat Pumps Inspection is on cooling systems and heat pumps. Students learn to identify typical defects and apply correct inspection techniques. Part of the Module is delivered by a well trained HVAC Professional Contractor. The module is Enhanced with a focus on Excellence in Home Inspection Report Writing bya Licensed NJ Home Inspector.
Mechanical Systems II
Plumbing Inspection I-21-101-P
Plumbing Inspection prepares students to inspect, in a residential dwelling, the interior water supply and distribution systems (including fixtures and faucets), as well as water heating equipment and drain/vent/waste systems and their related fixtures. Part of the Module is Instructed by a Professional Contractor in this field. The module is enhanced with a focus on Excellence in Home Inspection Report Writing by a Licensed NJ Home Inspector.
Electrical Inspection I-21-101-E
Electrical Inspection prepares students to inspect the performance of the following components of Electrical Systems within Residential Buildings: Services Drops, Grounding Systems, Service Panels,Wiring Systems, Devices, and Fixtures. Parts of the Module are Instructed by a NJ Licensed Electrician.The module is enhanced with a focus on Excellence in Home Inspection Report Writing by a Licensed NJ Home Inspector.